Seminar with Magnus Lundberg Nordenvaad, senior expert at TietoEVRY, Luleå

Short abstract:
One of the key components in recent advances of cellular communication systems is the ability to exploit spatial characteristics of the mobile channel. The possibility to simultaneously transmit multiple data streams on the same time- and frequency grid opens up substantial increase in data throughput.

The talk will introduce the foundations of beamforming and the processing of spatially distributed antennas (starting from the very ground up). Connections will also be made to standardization, i.e. SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO in 3GPP 4G/5G.

Beamforming as such, i.e. the ability to form steerable beams in space, has been known for a very long time. However, discussions will be given why only recently it is becoming a key component in the design of cellular system design.

Short bio:
Magnus Lundberg Nordenvaad was born In Luleå, Sweden, in 1973, and received the PhD degree in signal processing from Chalmers University of Technology, in 2003. He has held tenured faculty positions at Luleå University of Technology and Uppsala University and visiting research positions and Purdue University, Colorado State University, and the University of Florida. From 2012-2018 he was a deputy research director at the department of underwater research, Swedish defence research agency (FOI), and is a leading expert in array signal processing and how it applies to the processing of large arrays. Dr Lundberg Nordenvaad is currently working as a senior expert for Tieto in Luleå, primarily focusing on array signal processing for future communication system designs. 

Aurorumvägen 2, 977 75 Luleå
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