As the new space era is entering the world market, new needs and demands follow. While digitalization is an important part of human development, it is also crucial to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases on this exciting journey towards new technologies. All while security and flexibility are becoming more and more paramount for businesses relying of Big Data.

Arctic Space Technologies is revolutionizing the way we handle space data. CO2-emissions, long latency times and data bottlenecks are all threats to the commercialisation of the space business.

Kontaktperson: Sandra Nilsson, Operations & Management
Adress: Luleå Science Park, Aurorum 2 våning 5, 977 75 Luleå
E-postadress: sandra.nilsson@arcticspacetech.comHemsida: 

Luleå Science Park - En del av Luleå Kommun
Aurorumvägen 2, 977 75 Luleå