Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure, including roadways, bridges, airports, skyscrapers, industrial and power plants as well as utility networks. Bentley delivers solutions for the entire lifecycle of the infrastructure asset, tailored to the needs of the various professions – the engineers, architects, planners, contractors, fabricators, IT managers, operators and maintenance engineers – who will work on and work with that asset over its lifetime.

OpenCities Planner (Formerly CityPlanner from Agency9)
Bentley’s OpenCities Planner is a cloud-based service that enables visualization of 2D, 3D, and GIS data in a 3D world. It is the ideal solution for creating design options, communicating city plans and engaging with stakeholders and citizens. OpenCities Planner provides cities with digital twins for project planning and collaborative web-based 3D visualization.

Lisa Kenna, Talent Acquisition Manager


Tomas Karlsson, Director, Software Development, iModel Apps
Adress: Luleå Science Park, Aurorum 8, plan 2, 977 75 Luleå

Luleå Science Park - En del av Luleå Kommun
Aurorumvägen 2, 977 75 Luleå