Progira Radio Communication offer professional network planning through advanced software products and expert consultancy services. Our focus is on the establishment, planning, coverage verification and continuous development of broadcast networks – particularly those intended for digital radio and digital TV broadcasting.

Examples of the consulting services we offer include network/frequency planning and optimisation of DVB-/DAB Single Frequency Networks \(SFN\), Mobile DVB-T planning, DVB-H planning, planning of migration from analogue to digital TV, planning of FM services \(including synchronous FM planning\) as well as measurement, verification and analysis of coverage.

Kontaktperson: Patrik Engstedt, VD
Adress: Luleå Science Park, Aurorum 2, våning 7, 977 75 Luleå

Luleå Science Park - En del av Luleå Kommun
Aurorumvägen 2, 977 75 Luleå